This Christmas....
It's 11:30 on Christmas eve, and I have gifts to wrap and ice cream to eat, but Thea seems to be oblivious to this, and is up digging through the piles of post-cousin-Christmas wrapping paper and discussing it...
Of Cheese and Eggs and Christmas Cheer...
"You don't know how to write the word, but you can draw a picture." Ok with this, she got a sticky note and a pen. "Momma, will you write 'Colby cheese' on my list first please," she asked. I did.
How to Have a Magical Holiday without an Elf, Mall Santas, or Candy filled Stockings...
Feeling behind on the Holiday Magic making? No time for a elf and not sure you can feed your kids another sugar cookie? Here's hope...
How to Dress for All Day Cold Weather Play: Free Printable!
Get dressed for all day cold weather play with this free printable! (There's a guide for Mom & Dad too!)
Sure, Kids... Go Play!
Kids want to play. In the mud. In the sand. In the snow. In the rain. Don't stop them. And don't let their footwear stop them either.
What's Right With Outdoor Play
There's nothing better then watching your kids find their own adventures in your own backyard, park, neighborhood, or around the world - nothing except maybe being that kid. But it's not just the trill of the chase - playing outdoors has real benefits:
5 Tips for Talking to Toddlers About Tragedy:
But later, the questions came: What did it mean, why did it happen, who was to blame? How do you answer a toddler on these complicated, heavy, emotional issues? Here are five tips to keep in mind....
Slugs and Snails Tights: Designed for Boys, Loved by All
A review of Slugs and Snails tights by 4 year old Lily.
There's No Magic Here.... (A Letter to Stressed Out Parents)
"On Friday I meant to write to tell you how taking time for yourself is
critical, refreshing, and strengthening. I wanted to tell you that
parenting during the toddler years doesn’t have to be all about stressful
bedtimes, temper tantrums, and clingy-teething kids. But I didn’t write
Warding off Giants (or How to Encourage Creative Play)
How to encourage creative play in your toddlers.