Slugs and Snails Tights: Designed for Boys, Loved by All
Hey, this is Lily. (Well, this is Lily talking, but I don't know how to type real words, so my Mom is typing.)
This is for kids, but grown ups can read too.

Hi, I'm Lily and I'm 4. These are Slugs and Snails tights. They're really very comfy and even if you don't like to wear pants, you will like these. Sometimes Moms say, "no, no, you cannot go to the park in your underpants," but really you just want to wear your underpants. But you can't. You can't go down the slide wearing just underpants. And sometimes Moms and Dads say, "No, Lily, you cannot wear your bedtime clothes to church."
Well sometimes you can wear them, but not sometimes. AH!

But I always say, "Can I wear my Slugs and Snails?" And my Mom and Dad say, "OK!" They are really ok to wear, and they are not pants! You can dance in them, all day long, and you can climb in them, really high because you can just move like you have no pants on. Sometimes you can't climb in pants really well. You just can't. But if you want, you can wear your Slugs and Snails with shorts, or a skirt. Or a dress. Or just with nothin'. Like pants, but not like pants.

You can play in sand in these. And the sand doesn't get inside. And you can even wear these if it is hot out, because they are not polyester.* My mom does NOT like polyester. These are good for hot and cold and you will really like them.
Also if you go in a carrier for a ride when you don't want to walk anymore, these are more comfy than pants. Pants are all "uh, oh, I'm just gonna ride up on your legs, uh..." but these Slugs and Snails, they stay right on your legs, and wow. Just wow.

Babies can't take these off like socks. My sister Thea is ... almost 2. She does not like to wear shoes and socks when she gets in her carseat, nope, she just takes them right off. AH! But she just leaves her Slugs and Snails on, because, well, you can't just get them off. So we don't go losing them in the car, and you can just get her right out and put her shoes on and wow.
Just wow.

There are not really boy clothes and girl clothes because clothes aren't boys and girls, but boys sometimes just like trucks and stuff more than pink flowers, so if you like trucks or boats or animals or blast off ships... yeah we got those.
Ok, thats all. Goodbye.
Oh, and I forgot. You can buy them on our website, Biddle and Bop!
- Lily, Age 4.
Slugs and Snails Ambassador and Biddle and Bop Kid
* For the record, Slugs and Snails tights are 75-80% cotton (some styles are organic cotton) and ALL are OEKO TEX 100 Certified.