12 Natural Christmas Decorations to Make with Your Kids
A Dozen Natural Christmas Decorations to Make with Your Kids
Nothing says cozy Christmas like decorations made from nature. If you are looking to make decorations with things from your yard or collected on hikes with your children, here are lots of ideas for crafting with sticks, pinecones, and other natural treasures. Best of all, these are so easy to make, the kids can help too.
This modern twig Christmas tree will finally give you something to do with the branches kids always seem to collect.
- Bring some hygge home with these wheat ornament ideas.
Pinecone elves add a little whimsy to the tree.
Preserve vacation memories with some seashell decorations.
Do you remember making applesauce ornaments as a kid? Make some new memories this year.
This tiny terrarium is as cute as can be.
Pinecone garland is so simple and yet so beautiful.
Do you have a green thumb? Why not try making rosemary topiaries?
Dried fruit ornaments will have your home smelling amazing.
Brighten up the family table with a natural centerpiece.
You probably already have some supplies on hand to get started on these adorable reindeer.
This string art ornament project is perfect for kids who love to use tools. Check out our small bucksaw for slicing the wood and this child’s hammer for pounding nails.
Do you have a favorite decoration you bring out each year? Leave a comment below and tell us about it!