Forest School Activities to Educate Outdoors

Forest School Activities to Educate Outdoors

3 minute read

Forest school activities for kids outdoors - whether in forest school or nature kindergarten, homeschool group or family time!
  • 1. Planting: Planting seeds and trees in a nature school setting are great forest school activities that help children learn about the importance of caring for their environment. Be sure to choose local plants - check with a local nursery for recommendations on plants that will fit best with your environment; or transplant seedlings from an area that is routinely mowed - along the sides of parking lots or playing fields.
  • 2. Nature walks: Taking kids on nature walks can help them appreciate the beauty of nature and become aware of their surroundings. Repeating the same walk week after week helps children develop a sense of belonging; plus it helps them begin to notice the little things: changes in the trees; flowers blooming; tracks in mud or snow; the sounds and smells.
  • 3. Building shelters: Building shelters in a forest school or nature school setting helps children learn basic survival skills, as well as how to work together as a team. Simple shelters are the best because children can build them without much if any direction. Allowing children to make mistakes, troubleshoot, and discover solutions is an incredible part of their learning journey.
  • 4. Tracking animals: Learning animal tracks and behaviors can help kids understand the importance of preserving wildlife habitats and respecting the natural world around them. As children what they notice about the tracks and the environment; and when possible, allow them to record their findings in a nature journal.
  • 5. Outdoor games: Games like tag, hide-and-seek, and scavenger hunts can be fun ways to get kids engaged with their environment while teaching them important skills like problem solving and communication.
  • 6. Campfire stories: Sitting around a campfire to listen to stories is a great way to build community and bond with each other while learning about different cultures and traditions.
  • 7. Art projects: Creating art projects outdoors allows children to express themselves creatively while also getting in touch with nature's beauty.
  • 8. Birdwatching: Birdwatching is an excellent way for kids to observe wildlife in its natural habitat, which can lead to deeper understanding and appreciation for the environment. Try introducing a bird call - kids can learn to use them too, but be patient; they take some practice!

My Year of Nature: 365 Nature Inspired Activities

My Year of Nature: 365 Nature Inspired Activities

$ 9.99

Readers unleash their creativity while learning about the natural world through bite-sized facts about plants, animals, weather, life cycles, and habitats worked seamlessly into the 365 drawing and writing activities. Series: Be Creative Every Day These clever journals encourage creativity… read more

Teach your forest school families how to dress for all weather so you can enjoy Forest School activities all year round, regardless of the weather! Scandinavia has a saying: "There's no bad weather, just poor clothing" - and while there are weather conditions that are obviously unsafe there are plenty that just require proper gear! Check out our blog post on Gear for Outdoor Schools and Nature Kindergartens

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