Villervalla is a magical world where games and adventure never end and every child is welcome - this is just a bit of what makes Swedish Brand Villervalla one of our favorite go tos for all weather playgear, forest school outerwear, and children's organic clothing.
Villervalla takes a bold stand for joy, optimism and equality, and this passion is reflected in everything they do. We know you'll enjoy Villervalla's clothing and gear as much as our own kids do - full of all colors, and free from harmful chemicals.
CEO and founder Hanna Håkansson released the very first Villervalla collection in 2005. Hanna and Villervalla have received many awards since, and we are proud to have first brought Villervalla to the United States. Shop Villervalla now at Biddle and Bop!
From$ 72.00
$ 95.50
$ 95.50
$ 95.50
$ 95.50
$ 38.00
$ 7.50
$ 7.50
$ 7.50
$ 45.00
$ 45.00
$ 45.00
$ 18.00
$ 28.00
$ 28.00
$ 7.50