Boy Fashion: Bright Bold Fun for Fall

Boys clothes that are classic with a touch of fun? No problem for UK's Little Green Radicals, whose Fall collection features bright bold blues, golds, and reds with on beat patterns of stars and the inspiring phoenix. Plush organic fabric and always fair trade made, these clothes make all the right statements.

Shop the collection here.
October 26, 2017 — Heeten Choxi

Clothing for Outer Space Loving Kids

Space and Design collide on these bold organics from Raspberry Republic. Check them out here:
October 26, 2017 — Jessica Schaefer

Your Gear Questions Answered

All weather gear is a top seller here at Biddle and Bop - and our own kids use this gear almost daily, year round. Here are the top questions we receive - and our answers. Got a different one? Feel free to reach out. We're here, and happy, to help!

1) How do I know what size to purchase?
You'll notice when browsing that our gear is listed by numbers - in 10s from 60 or 70 to 170 - this number refers to the child's standing (head to toe) height in centimeters - and includes plenty of grow room. We do not recommend sizing up more than 5 centimeters. So a child who is 101cm is not ready for a 110cm suit, but a child who is 105 can probably make it work. For more sizing help, you can read our blog post here which shows some great photos, and see our approximate size chart here.  

2) What's the problem with buying big?
Beside the water coming in everywhere, when you size up too far pant legs get walked on, and sleeves end up rolled - both of which lead to your gear wearing out far before it should - and usually before they grow into it. You want your kids be geared up to play in any weather, and they will not do that if they're uncomfortable, cold, and wet. Right sized gear is essential to happy play!

3) But will it last? Kids grow fast!
You'll find our gear and European kids clothing is designed with growth spurts in mind. Bibbed pants for the rapid growth ages (up through size 100cm in sets and 130cm as separates) allow an even greater range of wear. We think you'll be pleased with the grow room - it's one of the constant compliments we hear! (The biggest reason for returns? Buying too big!) Here's our daughter, then 3 years old, wearing three different sizes of our rain suits. Click here to see what sizes she's wearing - you'll be impressed.

4) What about cleaning? Can I pop the rain suits in the washer?
You can - on a non-agitator or hand wash cycle. However, washing significantly reduces the life of the waterproofing of any waterproof garment. We recommend spot cleaning only unless absolutely needed. What do we do? We leave them dirty, hose down (it's really loads of fun to hose the kids down while they're wearing their gear... for both parties!), or wipe with a damp cloth. If it's just mud, we let dry and then shake out. Hang to dry, out of direct sunlight.

5) What about ticks? I've been told to put everything in the dryer on high.
Machine drying will reduce the lifespan of your gear. We do not recommend it and we cannot warranty or replace items damaged by washing or drying. We do recommend tick checks for everyone and careful washing up after forest play.

6) What are the straps at the bottom of the leg?
These boot straps, or stirrups, keep the pants down over the boots so that water doesn't come in the top of the boot!

7) Are the rainsuits breathable? What about summer?
Some kids wear them longer than others - but they are not super breathable, a trade in for durability, waterproofness, and skin (and earth) safe material! If you live in a warmer climate, consider the classic bibbed or elastic waist pants paired with our ultralight jackets - a cooler combo which will last longer in warm weather. For most of the country, we find the classic suits get the most use - plus they double for winter...

8) What about winter?
In winter, we layer our suits and wear them in the snow! Here's how we layer. Staying dry is essential for staying warm in winter, and our classic suits and one pieces are both water- and wind-proof.

9) What's the difference between the one and two piece classic suits?
Preference! Some kids prefer the one piece, some prefer two. Two gives better access for potty runs, one eliminates any gapping and makes getting dressed even easier. One pieces are often a favorite for our traveling families and beach lovers; two pieces are usually recommended by schools. Families who purchase one piece suits typically also purchase separate bibbed pants for warm weather wear or backup.

10) I have more questions!
We'd love to help - contact us anytime.

March 11, 2017 — Jessica Schaefer

New Things at

Lots of new things in the shop right now! Here's a peek! Shop 

January 30, 2017 — Jessica Schaefer

Wearing Your Rain Gear as Snow Gear

January 07, 2017 — Jessica Schaefer

How to Embrace the Forest (and avoid the ticks) without Fear - A response to's "Be Very Afraid of Ticks"

This is the headline going around: "The threat of tick-borne diseases is serious and growing. And you’re probably not doing enough to protect your family." (M. Moyer, for Slate)

Wow. That headline. I mean... it does make you want to hide in a corner with a spray bottle of Deet and not even look outdoors. And if you're not feeling bad enough in any other parenting category, add this one: you're not doing enough when it comes to ticks.

June 03, 2015 — Jessica Schaefer
Tags: Outdoor Play

At Play with Slugs&Snails, Beco MINI, and MyMayu

The Biddle and Bop kids at play! Thea is sporting Slugs and Snails tights and MyMayu boots and both Lily and Thea are wearing their favorite Beco MINIs

May 24, 2015 — Jessica Schaefer

Ten Wonderful Things You Can Do For YOU This Mother's Day

Ten Wonderful Things You Can Do for YOU This Mother's Day - by Jess of Biddle and Bop

Here's a list of ten wonderful things you can do for you this mother's day...


May 07, 2015 — Jessica Schaefer
Tags: Parenting

What Gear Do I Really Need?

It’s a foreign concept in America - to be outside, playing, simply playing. So when you look at the gear we label “outdoor gear” or “outerwear” for kids, it’s no wonder so many parents come back saying it doesn’t really work... click to keep reading and find what does!

April 08, 2015 — Jessica Schaefer

Help! My Toddler Hates Being Wrapped! (Woven Wraps and the Uncooperative Toddler)

"But let’s pretend for the sake of this post that you have a little one who really does need or want held, but just refuses your attempts at wrapping - or gets wrapped and then cries and wants out (but still wants held). Why? And what do you do about it?"

February 13, 2015 — Jessica Schaefer

I Avoid Nursing My Toddler (and other truths about full term breastfeeding)

January 21, 2015 — Jessica Schaefer

A Letter to My Nursling...

A letter to my nursling... on our breastfeeding relationship over the years.
January 08, 2015 — Jessica Schaefer