At Play with Slugs&Snails, Beco MINI, and MyMayu

The Biddle and Bop kids at play! Thea is sporting Slugs and Snails tights and MyMayu boots and both Lily and Thea are wearing their favorite Beco MINIs

May 24, 2015 — Jessica Schaefer

I Avoid Nursing My Toddler (and other truths about full term breastfeeding)

January 21, 2015 — Jessica Schaefer

A Letter to My Nursling...

A letter to my nursling... on our breastfeeding relationship over the years.
January 08, 2015 — Jessica Schaefer

This Christmas....

It's 11:30 on Christmas eve, and I have gifts to wrap and ice cream to eat, but Thea seems to be oblivious to this, and is up digging through the piles of post-cousin-Christmas wrapping paper and discussing it...

December 24, 2014 — Jessica Schaefer
Tags: Our Story

Of Cheese and Eggs and Christmas Cheer...

"You don't know how to write the word, but you can draw a picture." Ok with this, she got a sticky note and a pen. "Momma, will you write 'Colby cheese' on my list first please," she asked. I did.
December 14, 2014 — Jessica Schaefer